Thursday, August 30, 2007

What Would Clinton and Stacy Say?

I've never been much of a fashion plate. I've worn, feathers, robes, the occasional hoodie but no one would be tempted to come up to me and ask, "Who are you wearing?" For one young girl in Indiana, however, that answer would be "God" (story here).

This is my favorite type of controversy. It centers around children, education, and misguided zealotry. The problem stems from the fact that Highland High School has a dress code of khaki pants and polo shirts, NO NOVELTY TEES. So Brittany broke the rules, wore a religious themed shirt and was suspended. Forget the fact that she would have also been suspended if she wore Sponge Bob Square Pants. What is important is she believes her rights were violated because of her faith, even though she was clearly in the wrong. Wonderful! Instant controversy, just add living water.

Pay attention tempter trainees. This is advanced stuff. If you can convince Christians that they can break the rules as well as their own scriptures in the name of their beliefs you will advance to the deepest part of Hell. You might even get a private executive bathroom. Here at AD we only have a communal one, and it's NASTY!

You may be confused, let me explain. Christians are commanded to follow God's will as outlined in the scriptures. They are also commanded to submit to the authorities God put into power on this earth. Follow me so far? Good. Now the sticky bit is they are are allowed to break the laws and rules of men if they go against scripture, but they must still submit to the authorities in question. For example when Peter was preaching in Jerusalem, following God's command, he still went to prison.

Do you see the beautiful thing happening in this Indiana case? This girl is convinced that because she is a believer, she is ABOVE the law! True this is only a T-shirt, but with a little more work she can be convinced to break more important laws and ignore large swaths of scripture, all in the name of her faith. When truly her actions have more to do with what SHE wills. It's not as far from wearing a T-shirt to bombing abortion clinics or beating homosexuals as you might think. Keep at it fellows.

"Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt."



Christine Van Tassel said...

Sounds like even mom is deluded. "The rules unfairly target religion", she says. Uh, well that's totally illogical.

If you ask me the rules unfairly target pants in red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown, puce, magenta, primrose, chocolate, stone, olive...

Author said...

LOL. Oh, will someone please think of the puce???