Thursday, August 16, 2007

Guess Who's Second Coming to Dinner

There were actually two things that angered us, when He created humans. One was, of course, the fact that they received free will, but the other was their ability to reason. It was those two things that placed them above the animals and the angels. It is what made them children. So it is that we relish any instance in which humans forgo the use of either ability and again show themselves to be the ignorant animals that they are.

Case in point in this story, a young couple claims to have found the face of "the One Who Sits on the Right" in their kitchen cabinet. First off, it never occured to them that patterns show up in wood grain that's how it's formed and the human mind (such as it is) is geared to try to make sense of whatever patterns it sees. The effect is like that of seeing animal forms in puffy clouds. If one claimed to see a bunny in the kitchen, there would have been no news story. As I stare at my office carpet, I myself can make out two Mohammeds, a Virgin Mary and a Mickey Rooney. Secondly, as far as miracles go, this sort of lacks the punch of say "parting the Red Sea", or raising someone from the dead. They actually think He has nothing better to do but go around and appear in burritos and woodworking. Naturally this actually works FOR our cause, as it religates the Creator of the Universe, to a cheap illusionist who needs to do small tricks to keep Him in the hearts and minds of men. If they ever truly understood the power, the strength, and the love He has and is willing to share with them, they would be lost to us forever.

Thankfully true miracles are rare, but when they happen they are unmistakable. They seemingly break all natural laws, but if One wrote the law that is a bit on the easy side. Miracles never contradict anything He has already said about Himself. Instead they have a purpose that reveals more about His nature. This knowledge will then cause a person to change his life for the better.

But when something strange occurs, humans are slow to engage the minds they were endowed with and are quick to attribute the event to God, or aliens, or even us. Making them afraid of every errant breeze or bump in the night. Now I would like the accolades but truly, my best work is done in secret. The attention would only make one aware of the whole Good vs. Evil thing and nothing beneficial can come of that. If human beings would only slow down, engage their brains and use their reason to discern the logical causes for such "supernatural" events, then they would be better attuned to recognize when God is truly speaking to them. This realization, is also thankfully very rare indeed.

Well, I must be off. I'm practicing baking potato chips that look like the Virgin Mary.


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