Sunday, August 19, 2007

If your iPod causes you to sin, pluck it out...

Apparently for one church in California, the promise of treasures in heaven isn't good enough to get people to fill their pews. They feel they must resort to giving out gift cards as well. The Palm Beach reports in this story that for the next three Sundays, the Church by the Glades in Coral Springs will be handing out $15 iTunes gift cards along with a chance to win an iPhone.

Funny I thought promising people material gain was our schtick. What a nice way to ease people towards idolatry. We're excited to see what's next, maybe the chance to win a car if they get baptized! Heck, I'd go to church if I could win an iPhone! The iTunes card wouldn't help me much though, I own a Zune.

"You must be in it to win it,"



Anonymous said...

this guys attitude really gets me...and getting the congregation INVOLVED thats really sick! What happened to the good old days when these guys were supposed to be worried more about their dignity!

Author said...

What intrests me more is the "Box Office" mentality. The gimmicks, the showmanship, might as well have William Castle be a pastor.