Monday, August 27, 2007

Church Gets Raked Thru the Mud

As much as I love seeing churches filthy themselves with infighting, immoral pastors, and other petty sins, I couldn't help but put a positive (negative) spin on this story, Sadly the mud here is real mud and it was done as a sign of solidarity for a youth heading into the missions field. Shame.

Gads I hate it when churches act like real people. It's better when they are convinced that the way to holiness is by denying themselves any pleasure at all, forgetting even the pleasures He created for them to enjoy.

Pleasure and fun aren't sin. We can't even create such things, but we can twist them to our purpose. Sin is basically the wrong way to get the right thing. For example, eating and enjoying food is one of life's pleasures. But we can influence a person to make it the focus of one's life, to over indulge. This then can lead to emotional and physical problems as this treatment is administered over the course of their lives. We routinely do this with all of the good things in life which aren't beneficial to us when properly enjoyed in the right time and place, e.g. sex, leisure, friends, security, prosperity and even religious duty. By inspiring man to put his timing and priorities above His we can promote stealing, promiscuity, substance abuse, fanaticism and other sins. Subtract "love" and you have party.

It's also fun to push people into the opposite direction, to avoid all pleasurable things as sin. This then projects the world that to be a Christian is to be a loveless, joyless creature. Few people would want to sign up for that. The Victorian Age, was a great time of extremes. They had impossibly high ideals, which caused many to plunge headlong into our direction, all the while maintaining the image of soundness and propriety. All one needs to do is read "Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde" to see that they were aware of such things.

Sin is pleasurable, but pleasure is not sin. Our scientists are working on this problem, but have had little progress. Their studies did lead to the creation of Sudoku, so there is hope.


1 comment:

Christine Van Tassel said...

Don't they know that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness?" It's somewhere in the Bible. Proverbs 32 I think?

Gasp! What next? Youth group jello wrestling matches?