Friday, August 31, 2007

"She has been setting alight to our beacon, which, I have just remembered, is virgin-shaped."

I stand proud as a fallen angel when I see human beings so confused and uncertain about their lives, that they mistake a ray of light for a ray of hope (see story). In Minersville, PA crowds of people have been drawn to a garage door that supposedly manifests the image of the mother of "He Who Sits on the Right".

What kills me is that it is so obviously a reflection, and it's not even our best work. When you watch the video, people repeatedly stand in front of the image and block the light, taking out hunks of virgin. Yet, no one notices. We have created such a fearful climate that people will accept ANYTHING as a sign that God has not forgotten them. Even better, this display of gullible, unquestioning attitudes on the part of believers makes non-believers even more secure in their atheism.

Broken angels! I've seen better special effects on the old "Outer Limits" TV show. But then our Pennsylvania branch HAS been struggling a bit lately, budget cuts you know. Actually I find this to be a far more persuasive display (click here). I wonder how much he charges per appearance? Hmmm. Excuse me, I must fire off a "Request for Quote".



Anonymous said...

How delightful..yesterday a very young one full of spiritual pride and today another absurd display of spiritual nonsense...things are going well for us. They largely do our jobs for us no?

Christine Van Tassel said...

It amazes me that so many think a mother (especially the mother of God himself) has time to travel or better yet sit still for even 30 seconds to be projected anywhere.

Any mother I know doesn't have that kind of time on her hands.

And if she did sit still I'm sure she'd be sitting at the feet of the One who made her, not hanging out in the bushes of someone's front yard.

Anonymous said...

Truly it makes me want to Google Minersville, drive down myself, and find the bloody source of that reflection. Sheesh, don't they even realize that the sun rises and sets at slightly different elevations at this time of year!

Author said...

I wish our work was totally done for us, but that's the bugger of FREE WILL. I groan to think of how much overtime I've done this week alone.

Christine Van Tassel said...

There's not much to do in the Anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania except watch the Centralia fires burn, so I'm not surprised that garage-door gazing has become a popular pastime.

Actually, Brackish, You should consider Centralia for your next vacation. You'd feel right at home.

Author said...

Hmmm, Maybe. Small town Pennsylvania would be a nice change of pace from my last vacation. I went on a cruise through the Devil's Triangle, don't you know. Sadly no lives were lost, and the seas were calm and *shudder* pretty. Ugh.