Monday, October 8, 2007

The Furior over the Fuhrer

Hitler knows how to ruin a party. There are many times when I'm attending mixers with all of the famous tormentors in hell and I'm having a good time...and then he shows up. Last week I was at Samael's Fall Fling drinking a Bloody Mary and chatting up a female demon about bird flu when I felt a tug at my elbow. It was Hitler, drinking a Shirley Temple, whining about his glory days and how he persecuted the Jews and on and on and on... Needless to say the lady lost interest and I spent the evening feeding kittens to my Mongolian Death Worm.

Well apparently even this whiner's visage can bring things to a screeching halt. A school in Brooklyn, NY is banning Halloween, because in a former year a student dressed as the famous fuhrer (see story). Now personally I can't stand Halloween. Once it had deep religious significance to the Celts, but today it's too secular and materialistic. Now it's all about happy candy addicted children in goofy costumes and gaining empowerment by dressing as boogey men from the collective unconsciousness. Blech! However I can empathize with how this genocidal jerk can bring things down.

Why is there ALWAYS that one lone kid who gets the idea to dress up as Hitler, a clansman, or even "He Who Sits on the Right"? I admire the impulse to cause trouble and offend people but, when a taboo becomes commonplace it's just boring. Google the phrase "Hitler Costume" and you'll see what I mean. Show some imagination people! I blame the media for stifling the creativity of human youth. Thanks a lot Mel Brooks!

Personally, I think between having a kid dress as a historical figure or going on a shooting spree, I'd have to go with the shooting spree. It's not original either and rather "faddish" but at least it's more...constructive. Oh well, if I really want to delight in sin hidden in the guise of a religious holiday I'll have to wait till Christmas.



Christine Van Tassel said...

And I thought Halloween was about dressing up as something or someone scary. Geez.

Christine Van Tassel said...

I just thought of something else. Just wondering - wouldn't the same type of person who would complain about a Jesus costume be the same kind of person to admit that they find Jesus and his followers scary? Ironic...

Author said...

Made an edit or two. I actually mentioned HWSTR by name! Had to take that out. Also I developed what I don't like about Halloween (All Hallow's Eve - Yuk!) a bit more.

If I did go in for such things I'd probably have to dress up as Mr. Rogers. He was just too nice!

Christine Van Tassel said...

Hmmm. I always found clowns to be scary. Maybe Sadie will be a clown. She's into noses and hats right now. That could work.

Anonymous said...

I much prefer the dressing up and giggling candy addicted children to the old days when huge gangs of the enemy's people gathered to celebrate the dead in "you know who". The costumes and candy are much better than the yearly orgy of gratitude and hope. Now if we can just continue to find ways to take the fun out of it, it will be a perfect festival!