Thursday, October 18, 2007

But Bureaucracy IS Hell.

Thank the Devil, I don't live in Saskatchewan! Sure they are the world's largest supplier of uranium so they have a soft spot in my heart. However when I'm pimping out my gremlin with chrome rims and vinyl graphics, I don't need anyone messing with my vanity plates.

Seems a Mrs. Harris tried to get a vanity plate for her husband emblazoned with his adorable little pet name, "Diablo". "Not so fast", said Saskatchewan Government Insurance, and they put the kibosh on the "offensive" name (story here). OFFENSIVE? And I bet they'd allow the name "Angel" without so much of an "Whut are you doin, eh"!

Canada in recent years has been slowly repealing the right to free speech especially when it comes to "racially sensitive" materials. It does make our work tougher, but maybe I should be looking on the dark side of things. When a person can't choose what to put on their own car maybe it is a sign of greater restrictions to come.

Ghost riding my whip



Anonymous said...

I think it's a charming name...what lousy taste these Canadians have! They have lots of Gabriels and Michaels [if you will pardon my language]...along with even more unspeakable names..Imagine someone objecting to such a fine name. But don't worry. We know who they are.

Christine Van Tassel said...

Where is the CCLU when you need them on these critical matters?

Christine Van Tassel said...

...or the CCLA rather...