Friday, November 16, 2007

If Only He Had Cash for the Laundrymat.

Now no one enjoys doing the laundry. I myself tend to put it off as long as possible, but last week my Mongolian Death Worm had digestive problems so I was liberally dipping into the clorox almost daily. Apparently though the person in my next story couldn't be bothered. He wore the same clothes he wore during a bank robbery for two days even though they were covered with the remains of a DYE PACK! (story here)

I admire his work ethic, pulling off three robberies in one week. But where is the style, the finesse? John Dillinger would have at least changed his shirt after doing a job! Those were the days, robbers wore suits, ties and had clean haircuts. Willie Sutton was an immaculate dresser, when he dressed as himself, that is. Usually he wore disguises when he robbed banks which is how he got the name "Willie the Actor" or "Slick Willie". Some fine class of robbers we have these days. We're lucky if they were a clean "hoodie". I was always told that you should dress for the the job you want. Looking at today's career criminals you'd think they'd all want to work at Good Will! Oh well, a devilish deed is a devilish deed. And a hard working devil can't be too picky. After all it's what's on the inside that counts.


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