Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dreaming of a Black and Blue Christmas

Once the tryptophan wears off and the weather begins to turn cold, people's thoughts begin to turn to the joyous yuletide season. Actually people's minds begin turning in October, but that's the doing of over zealous retail stores. With the pressures of trying to create the perfect Norman Rockwell holiday memory the simple message of "peace on Earth and good will to men", is lost in a crimson haze of frustration, greed and frenzied materialism. Not quite the birthday "He Who Sits on the Right" would appreciate, but with all of the blood and money flowing it does explain why the holiday colors are red and green. It is truer to human nature than the sentiments espoused in Hallmark Christmas cards. I love this holiday!

The compulsion to be happy and to make others happy creates enough stress that the seams begin to show during even the most innocuous of activities, such as waiting in line to see Santa (story here). Three mothers got into a shoving match while waiting for the overweight God-substitute to parachute into the Anaheim Town Square on Friday. I guess he had to practice an emergency ejection in case the reindeer were shot down by terrorists. Anyway the tussle continued for thirty seconds without injury. I'm sure the parents then impressed upon the kids the need to be good because Santa was watching...along with the security guards.

Many tempters in the field might find it surprising that the day marking the beginning of our defeat can be an effective tool in creating mass casualties for their side. However there is truly no greater temptation needed other than the human desire to be happy. The Enemy never promised happiness in this life when people joined His side. He promised them eternal life and peace in the NEXT life. He allows pain and suffering to be the forces that sculpt believers into little versions of His son, as they learn not to rely on their own resources, but to trust in Him. But all of that is so much WORK! Instead of responding to the mercy the Enemy showed in sacrificing His son for the sins of all, it's easier to save 20% on all electronic goods. It's easier to buy people things, or cook people things, or to engage in happy fun activities...any-THING to distract a human from thinking about where they are going to go when they die.

Changing how one lives his life is tougher than changing how one spends his money or his time. Happy family memories may not be beneficial for us, but if they take priority over the actual meaning of the holiday then let them drink their nog and sing their songs. In the end WE are the ones who get what we want for Christmas.

Too bad it only comes once a year,


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