Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Let's Make a Convert!" with Wink Martindale

In the Enemy's Big Storybook, He compares the "Kingdom of God" as a pearl of great price buried in field. Once found a man sold all he had to purchase the field. Put that man on camera and have him compete with nine other men and you have a game show soon to air in Turkey (story here).

TV station "Kanal T" is planning a show in which four religious guides attempt to covert a group of ten athiests. The "winner" will receive eternal salvation/enlightenment and a trip to the holy site of the respective faith they accept. No word if Richard Dawkins will be competing.

This version of "Spiritual Jeopardy" is to include guides from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Islamic faiths. It is not without it's controversy, however. Although Turkey is largely secular the Religious Affairs Directorate feels the show is disrespectful to all religions and is refusing to provide an imam for the show. They fear that the show trivializes spiritual beliefs and cheapens religion. Funny, I thought that was what "The 700 Club" did.

...and now a vision from our sponsors...

- Brackish

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