Monday, June 22, 2009

Neo-Nazis Keeping the Highway Kosher for You

Unable to make any serious in-roads to political power, a Missouri-based Neo-Nazi group actually adopted one last year. The state wasn't able to block the civic minded racists from joining the Adopt-a-Highway program, and so the purge began...on litter. The Springfield chapter of the National Socialist Movement happily applied their White Power to the Black top but the state had the last laugh. This year Missouri added an amendment to a state transportation bill which will rename the bigoted byway the "Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel highway"! (story here)

Rabbi Heschel narrowly escaped the Nazi's former attempts of "cleanup" in WWII, and later marched with Martin Luther King Jr. Heschel's daughter is none too thrilled and neither are the Nazis who call this
"a lame attempt to insult National Socialist pro-environment/green policies."
Insert "color" related joke here.

As a demon, I know too well that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And I applaud the attempts of the Nazis to spew hate while clearing debris but I must confess I love kicking someone in the asphalt when they are down.

I wonder if it's possible to put a mosque off of that highway. Hmmm.


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