Saturday, May 23, 2009

Really Hooked on Phonics

Normally we aren't too keen on promoting education. Unschooled people are so much easier to mislead. However I must truly applaud the efforts of two 25-year-old female Italian students from Bologna. Their hearts were burdened by the poor state of education in Africa and were determined to raise the funds to open a school. They pulled the community together in true Frank Capra fashion and worked tirelessly to raise the euros selling hashish and ketamine (story here)! I'm guessing a bake sale would have taken too long.

I truly hope that part of their planned school's curriculum was a crash course in the Italian legal system. It would seem that they could use a good lawyer. Maybe they could rob a bank to pay for one!

If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?,

- Brackish

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