Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daily Defamation

I'm introducing a new segment today. It's a little bon mot I like to call the "Daily Defamation". It will be a short pearl of demonly wisdom that I can relate to aid in your work in the field. Most assuredly it WON'T be daily as mentioned in the title, but I am a DEMON I can stretch the truth a hair.

Today's advice. KEEP PEOPLE ARGUING. As long as the Enemy's followers are concerned about being "right" they won't care about being "righteous".

My favorite subject is the whole old Earth vs. young Earth chestnut. To my mind it's like two people driving on a road that ends in a sheer cliff. Instead of deciding which way to turn, they argue how the road got there. Six thousand or several billion years, either way it's still a big SPLAT in the end.

Obviously that isn't as important as the BIG argument - the reality of the Enemy's Kid. But this decision itself can be delayed by little nit picky conflicts until the road runs out.


Squarely on MY side,

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