Saturday, May 30, 2009

Truth in Advertising

There actually IS a benefit to telling the truth, at least you don't have to worry about keeping your story straight. And believe it or not a man in Cambria County, PA is being punished for "keeping it real". Gary Vaughn owner of "Gary's Steals and Deals" was arrested for selling stolen merchandise on the internet (story here).

Taking a page from the Dupin handbook Gary has been operating his business since 2004. So the big question is why did it take FIVE YEARS to find this forthright felon? Who knows, but it's probably the same mind set that keeps Clark Kent's secret identity hidden.


- Brackish

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Shovel of Christ Compels Thee...

I usually envy those demons who can influence their "wards" to take up an addiction. What a cushy job! Oh, all of the time spent in preparation is GRUELING! Abuse, emotional trauma, and unhealthy decisions take a lot of planning, but once the subject is on that road it's almost like getting tenure. Very little is needed to keep them on the same destructive downward spiral that will eventually cause them to shuffle off that mortal coil.

Or is that "shovel"?

A preist in the Serbian Orthodox Church near Belgrade has developed an unusual method of helping patients in his care to beat their BEATING them (story here). Father Branislav Peranovic, along with another employee of the Crna Reka center, was video taped kicking, hitting and beating patients with a shovel to presumably knock the monkeys off their backs. When interviewed Peranovic said that all of the therapeutic thwacking was "hard and unwanted, but necessary part of treatment." Not to mention the wear and tear on equipment.

In his defense he said that patients signed consent forms allowing such misuse in the course of treatment. The Bishop apparently did not share Peranovic's views as the priest was summarily dismissed. I'm guessing he had some hang ups concerning that whole "Do unto others" thing.

No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

- Brackish

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Can't Keep a Good Man Down...

Robert Furchgott, a leading US scientist whose work led to the development of Viagra, has died. Robert whose work led to the continued promiscuity of many an older gent passed away Tuesday at his home in Seattle, WA. The family says that instead of lying in state, it might just be better if he remained sitting. (story here)

- Brackish

Really Hooked on Phonics

Normally we aren't too keen on promoting education. Unschooled people are so much easier to mislead. However I must truly applaud the efforts of two 25-year-old female Italian students from Bologna. Their hearts were burdened by the poor state of education in Africa and were determined to raise the funds to open a school. They pulled the community together in true Frank Capra fashion and worked tirelessly to raise the euros selling hashish and ketamine (story here)! I'm guessing a bake sale would have taken too long.

I truly hope that part of their planned school's curriculum was a crash course in the Italian legal system. It would seem that they could use a good lawyer. Maybe they could rob a bank to pay for one!

If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?,

- Brackish

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daily Defamation

I'm introducing a new segment today. It's a little bon mot I like to call the "Daily Defamation". It will be a short pearl of demonly wisdom that I can relate to aid in your work in the field. Most assuredly it WON'T be daily as mentioned in the title, but I am a DEMON I can stretch the truth a hair.

Today's advice. KEEP PEOPLE ARGUING. As long as the Enemy's followers are concerned about being "right" they won't care about being "righteous".

My favorite subject is the whole old Earth vs. young Earth chestnut. To my mind it's like two people driving on a road that ends in a sheer cliff. Instead of deciding which way to turn, they argue how the road got there. Six thousand or several billion years, either way it's still a big SPLAT in the end.

Obviously that isn't as important as the BIG argument - the reality of the Enemy's Kid. But this decision itself can be delayed by little nit picky conflicts until the road runs out.


Squarely on MY side,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Antivax Populi

I've always loved a good ol' fashioned plague! The masses of people quarantined in their homes, the sense of despair, and the solemn cry of "Bring out your dead!" echoing in the still morning air...ahhhhhh! It's always so easy to get a good seat in a restaurant! Good times, good times.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered how milquetoast the current contender, H1N1, turned out to be. Better known by it's catchier name, the Swine Flu, this catchy but not often fatal version of influenza seemed promising at first but quickly showed it's true colors. As of this writing there have been 3009 cases in the U.S. and ONLY THREE DEATHS! What happened? It all seemed so promising with the early reports out of Mexico claiming over 150 unconfirmed deaths and countless images of people wearing masks. It felt like Christmas! Well, it would have if I wasn't a demon and would have actually benefited from the birth of the Messiah, but you get my drift. Hand sanitizer sold out and schools closed but sadly this flu didn't even come close to killing the 36,000 people the regular flu does every year. The CDC is even already talking about having a vaccine by Autumn. What a bust! I bought a new walking stick and had my hooves re-shod in anticipation of taking a walking tour of the great plague ridden wastes. I guess I'll be staying home this summer. Sigh.

So what happened? Well, microbiology is not my area of expertise, but I suspect something even more virulent to be behind the bravado of this porker peril...FEAR. The animal mind of man instantly jumps into "fight or flight" mode with every perceived threat. They so readily ignore those big ol' brains their Creator endowed them with and react without thinking. Swine flu, stock market, it's all the same. Put a bunch of panicked people together and they will infect and re-infect each other with such intensifying levels of fear that nothing but destruction of some kind will result. This is evidenced by the bloody wounds of red ink slashed across many businesses and homes across the globe. The Mexican economy alone was shut down for five days as people braced themselves against the virus.

Ironically while fear has caused many people to take extreme precautions against an illness with no known vaccine, it has also been causing parents to expose their children to deadly diseases that DO have vaccines. Autism is a real threat, affecting 1 out of 150 children each year. There is no standard test for autism and doctors still have no clear idea of the cause. All of this uncertainty becomes a veritable petrie dish for irrational thought. The perceived culprit singled out as the scapegoat...childhood vaccines. Since 2000 there has been a growing concern of the safety of the concoctions injected into little "Johnny" and "Jane". Basic confusion involving causation with coincidence along with poorly conducted (and possibly falsified) research has fueled the fire. So much so that many parents FORGO the very things that will save the lives of their children to protect them from a disorder that could leave them alive but developmentally challenged.

Early evidence suggested mercury, more specifically the organomercury compound "thiomersal" added as preservative, caused autism because the symptoms appeared in some developing children soon after being immunized. The FDA had already conducted studies in the 70's and found thiomersal to be safe, but due to growing pressure it recommended that the substance be removed from all infant vaccines except flu vaccines. This was completed in 2001. Autism is still prevalent despite the actions of the FDA, and studies done by doctors and scientists that find no link between vaccines and the disorder. However facts mean very little to panicked parents. The Enemy warns against this in the book of Proverbs, "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way." Thanks to the "vigilance" of frightened parents, there is a growing number of children who aren't getting vaccinated, leading to an increasing number of deaths from oldies but goodies like the measles and whooping cough. This is the glorious result when people are influenced to make decisions based upon emotions rather than rational thought.

Can another plague be far behind? Where is that walking stick?



Bad news for prostitutes who have sore feet. Craigslist has been forced by Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, to drop erotic ads from it's "Erotic Services" section. They are to create a NEW adult section to be monitored (and monitored, and monitored...) by employees. Craigslist had long been hosting thinly veiled and some not so veiled ads for prostitutes and escort services right next to ads selling used futons and pirated DVDs. My only question...what section do I refer to if I REALLY DO just want a massage?(story here)

Needing a cheap chiropractor,
